Radeon HD 6950 shader unlock instructions

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I believe what he was saying was to use the version.

The link I provided has the option to download, or choose the latest version. The version listed here worked for me and him: http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1919/ATI_Winflash_2.0.1.13.html
Is there any list out there of what cards can and cannot be unlocked? I am thinking of trying the HIS H695FN2G2M from Newegg.

If the chips are being laser cut now, as it was suspected, then it's quite possible none will be able to be unlocked. If it's because my directions aren't well written enough or these that have failed are a result of bad luck (there is always a chance the shaders don't function), it could be all are able to be unlocked.

I'm starting to wonder about the laser cut shaders now.

I heard they were "planning", but people kept being able to. However, it does sound like the well is drying up.

The people who were still able to unlock cards probably had cards that were on the shelf before the laser cutting came into effect.

Part of the reason I'm not as sure as you are, is some of those who are having troubles are having troubles with the flashing step. It shouldn't matter if the shaders are lasered off or not, flashing should still be possible.

forgive me if i say that this is an easy but unsubstantiated position. the only way for you to prove it would be by showing us how to flash a card that others have found unflashable. otherwise it is but a cheap shot.

I'm not meaning to take shots and the fact that I can't physically work with your cards leaves me to only be able to speculate, but the truth is, all cards of any vendor or model should be able to be flashed.

Yes. The directions on the first post work with either.

Back to me previous posts thought. Is it possible that rather than lasering the shaders, they are putting in read only bios, like the backup bios with the cards that have a switch?
like i said before, i own 2 sapphire hd6950 2GB, one with, and the other without a bios switch. i was able to flash the first one, and all my trials to flash the second one have failed. so, i agree with you that all cards "should be able to be flashed". but that is exactly the issue, it it not?

Ya, I'm wondering if they are putting in read only bios on these cards. It can obviously be done, the reference card has a read only bios which gives an error if you try to flash on it, and one that is writable.
Well I ordered the HIS card I mentioned above from Newegg. I was thinking of getting another TF2, but my curiosity got the best of me.

Where is this supposed laser cut supposed to be taking place? They are still fabbing 1 chip for both models, is AMD requiring it's partners to add a manufacturing step to the card production itself or are they having the step added in packaging the chips at TSMC? ( I forget if they are still made at TSMC or if they switched to GloFo and have no clue if TSMC packages the chip or has it done at a packaging house) My point here is that there is a cost. AMD knew this and they simply opted for a software solution to start with.

The read only bios is an option, and actually a good strategy. No RMAs for cards bricked by flashing with ref 6970 BIOS.

sounds very plausible, but if it is a software solution, then it should be possible to bypass it... but not with the methods shown until now?
last news: i am bringing the new sapphire back, i was in time to make use of my right to do that. not only is has ni dual bios, and the bios it has is not flashable, the cooler is different also. it is much noisier that that of the original one.
but what is more interesting are the following figures from the heaven benchmark 2.5:

the system is a i7 920 oc'ed @ 3.6Ghz to avoid cpu bottlenecks:
graphic card in normal settings:
fps: 39.4
score : 986
min fps: 20.5
max fps: 85.5

as hd6950 with core @1825 and memory @ 1300:

with all shaders unlocked (1536) and 821Mhz core and 1295Mhz memory
(not exactly the same, but close enough)

my conclusion: DON'T BOTHER! just use the normal settings and overclock in the normal way when needed. i am still giving the second card back though. it is simply of less quality than the first one.

those are the last figures with exactly 825Mhz core and 1300Mhz hemory:
i did not try going beyond that because i know that at those settings the card runs stable and secure. and the power wast set @ +20% just to play safe. less would probably work also.
For those who want to overclock their cards beyond the factor limits, I have some instructions on how to do so through MSI Afterburner.

Go to the MSI Afterburner program folder, and open the MSIAfterburner.cfg file. Look for these 2 lines:
UnofficialOverclockingEULA =
UnofficialOverclockingMode = 0

Edit them to:
UnofficialOverclockingEULA = I confirm that I am aware of unofficial overclocking limitations and fully understand that MSI will not provide me any support on it
UnofficialOverclockingMode = 1

Now just reopen MSI Afterburner, and the factory limits will be gone. Please be responsible and don't try to overclock to high settings without first attempting small incremental increases.

I am confused. You say the Bios is not flashable yet you also say you can unlock the shaders. Which is it?
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