Recording with fraps 3.5.99?

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Jan 25, 2014

I'm trying to record my games and wondered if anyone can help me out. I have a pretty decent PC and wanted to try and record but I have some problems doing so. The problem is that I can record absolutely fine in game with no lag at all, but when I go to play it back, the quality is absolutely awful and it's all jumpy and not really footage that's worth keeping.

Here is my custom built PC specs.

  • AMD FX-8320 Eight Core Processor @ 3.5GHz With Coolermaster Hyper 212 EVO (With Corsair case AirFlow Case fans)
    AsRock 990fx Extreme 3 Mobo
    XFX Radeon 7970 Double Dissipation
    1TB Western Digital Caviar Black
    XFX 550W Pro 80+ Bronze PSU
    Some cheap disk reader

I can't understand why I can't record or should be able too? If i'm not lagging whilst recording, surely this would be a problem with my settings somewhere across the line?

Fraps is horribly outdated. Use obs, xsplit, msi ab, plenty of much less demanding, better quality recorders.

Also bumps are illegal.
Can you provide some screenshots of the recorded videos and your fraps settings?

No, and depends on the settings you have, not lagging while recording is a good thing.

Yeah I know, but then why is the lag resulted in coming out in the recorded videos?
"Quality turns out to be awful?" Fraps may be extremely demanding software which may create dropped frames in your video that looks like "lag" but it never records in bad quality. Could you upload your Fraps video somewhere such as Google Drive so we could download it and check what do you mean by "awful quality".
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