
Jun 18, 2014
It appears I've been a bit of a lummox. I recently installed Cryptophane (the cryptophane 0.70 - gnupg 1.4.2 combined exe installer version), generated a key, made a fancy long password for it and encrypted a file. Then I re-installed windows (7), and installed cryptophane again. I assumed that all I would need was the password I created when decrypting a file. Quite dumb now that I think about it, but hind sight is always 20/20 isn't it? So when I try to decrypt the file, I get "The secret key <unkown key blahblahlettersnumbersblah> is required to decrypt this data, but was not found."

I have the old appdata files (the keyring gpg files) from the old windows install, but placing them in the appdata folder apparently doesn't do anything. Are there files or a folder structure I'm missing?