Reddit Bans Sexual or Suggestive Content Featuring Minors

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"We have very few rules here on reddit; no spamming, no cheating, no personal info, nothing illegal..."

Like Child porn or suggestive images relating to children wouldn't have been illegal in the first place?
[citation][nom]jl0329[/nom]This should be done years ago. Zero tolerance for child pornography.[/citation]
It's not that they allowed child porn in the past, it's that some images aren't actually porn, but fall into an incredibly creepy gray area. Previously they evaluated this all on a case by case basis, now they're just issuing a blanket ban.

Come on people, use your heads. Reddit was not allowing child porn prior to this announcement.
"Today we are adding another rule: No suggestive or sexual content featuring minors"

Adding ?
Since when is this crap legal to begin with?

this is a shame. Shame on them to do it only NOW!!!
how much child pornography have they promoted in all these years?!?!
this is serious shit!
That's what all the "le" stuff was about, I recall. Some sort of secret code for pedophiles. Reddit is truly one of the most disgusting websites around.
This article is misleading.

Reddit never allowed an child porn or illegal material on the site.

This issue is about removing certain subreddits that could *possibly* lead to illegal material being distributed. It doesn't have a history of this happening, they are simply assuming it will be preventative.

In a broad sense, it's a slippery slope argument surrounding a touchy subject. If they allow pictures or videos of young girls (the same you'd see on fb, myspace, youtube, hell even a Sears catalog), it may lead to child porn being distributed in the subreddit.

It's akin to saying pot is a gateway to harder drugs or how playing violent video games leads to violent behavior.

Don't get me wrong; I dislike child pornography. However I dislike people telling me how I'm going to think even more.
[citation][nom]jl0329[/nom]This should be done years ago. Zero tolerance for child pornography.[/citation]

cp and suggestive image are two different things. suggestive means anything that would give anyone effed up wood... so you know that school wrestling match, cant post video or pictures of that.

lets get one thing clear, i don't like cp, and don't search suggestive pics, what i find bad is that there is no clear cut guide line that calls something suggestive...

i also disagree with the laws concerning cp and suggestive images, because they are all rooted in there is an adult taking the picture, and its never a picture taken by the people in it, and than the laws get applied to them... i remember cases were a 7 year old decided to take nude of themselves, and went to court because they are now a child pornographer. i also know cases where the girl has sent out a suggestive picture to many people, and all those people, whether they asked for it or not, many under the age of 18, are now all sex offenders.

i know it could never happen, but i wish there was some amount of resistance to these laws that get passed. each law gets passes adds a new definition, but always has the same archaic you have to know how to develop film mentality and never take into consideration that digital exists, and you would ruin a kids life for 1 bad decision.

what im getting at is either make it completely illegal for a kid to own a camera under the age of 18, or make some real, not loosely defined definitions.

[citation][nom]scythe944[/nom]"We have very few rules here on reddit; no spamming, no cheating, no personal info, nothing illegal..."Like Child porn or suggestive images relating to children wouldn't have been illegal in the first place?[/citation]

you know that fully clothed picture, of the girl you cant tell if they are over 18 or not, but you think they are, nothing really sexual about the picture, but very hot... thats the kind of content they are no longer allowing.

i bulk download from the internet, and have filters setup so it gets the full size image of anything i want, you have any idea how many i have to delete because there is nothing that pins the people to over 18?

current laws state that even if they look over 18, even if everything about them screams over 18, if they are so much a 1 day under age, its cp, and whether you know it or not, you are responsible... yea, you have any idea how much i hate those laws, yea, they are there to protect a child, but we are all applieing that to someone very underage, not someone who you cant tell.


i know that this will be down voted because no one can think rationally on this issue, but just had to rant a bit about these laws.
[citation][nom]scythe944[/nom]"We have very few rules here on reddit; no spamming, no cheating, no personal info, nothing illegal..."Like Child porn or suggestive images relating to children wouldn't have been illegal in the first place?[/citation]

Like the poster below you said, they never allowed child porn. They are simply banning "suggestive" which could mean anything. Skimpy clothing could be considered suggestive for example. Hell, a girl eating a banana can be considered suggestive.

Anyway the point is, that's what they're banning, not "child porn" which was always banned.
most liikely bestiality would not be ok on reddit as it is illegal in at least a few countries around the world
[citation][nom]phatboe[/nom]so is bestiality is still ok?[/citation]
Yes, but it has to be an animal over 18. Sad thing is that there are only so many of those, turtles and Nautilus come to mind.
When guys have a thing for girls with braces, that's just not right. And when there's younger girls who enjoy sharing these pictures with the internet, so much so that they have a following, that's also not right.

I do believe there's some girls out there that are, at 17, more mature and making better decisions than some 19 and 20 year old girls, but that's the exception, not the rule, and I understand that for a law, someone had to pick an age.

I can support this decision. I understand that some freedoms may be taken away here, but there's no reason to encourage either the girls who's pictures end up there or the men who frequent the pages. A forum of teens in bathing suits would be bad, but one with teens in lingerie and less (and sometimes nothing) is not necessary.
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