Reflashing every boot? Acer Aspire 4535


Jun 4, 2009

I have this strange problem with an Acer Ascpire 4535... the last week the laptop just wotn boot anymore, searching online i found the procedure of flash the bios via usb, and volia it worked!. It works for about two days and again black screen at startup. I reflashed it and it worked, but every time that I turn off the laptop I HAVE TO REFLASH IT IN ORDER TO GET IT WORK :S I really don't know why... I tried to change config in BIOS, writing different configs in cmos, but... nothing seems to work... Im missing steps before flashing? (to falsh power on + fn and esc keys... wait 5 minutes and the laptop restarts itself). As an additional information, the laptop battery reported a few days ago that is dead... it still works for about 30 minutes but the icon in windows says that is damaged.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!
Sorry buddy, lot's of posts all the time, your post get's burried quickly...
As for your problem, try using the laptop without the battery.
Don't keep flashing BIOS, if you get a power outage for some reason, while doing the Flashing, you lose your PC because the BIOS is damaged.
Anyways, can you write in detail EXACTLY what your laptop does, what is going on the screen, any noises, fan... etc.. from the point you press the power button, to the point the screen goes blank.

If you still have access to BIOS, make sure that CD drive isn't first, and make sure there are no data devices connected at start-up, try turning the laptop on without anything connected... I've noticed that some computers have some strange issues, like, they can't boot if a USB printer is connected... etc..

Well, reply with the details and what you've tried, and maybe we could figure out a solution.
in my case,
if the simptoms is when you turn on the laptop, all power is on, dvd power is on, fan spin and suddenly stop or spin with slow, but no display, try this solution.

Turn on the laptop, the fan will spin and suddenly stop, after around 2,3 minutes the fan will spin again with slow, leave it on for 10,20,30 minutes until the laptop getting hot or the fan speed increase, after that press hold the power button until it turn off, wait 2,3 seconds, and press the power button again to on.

i also dont know what cause the problem. but seems like it working at high temprature for the processor to work or maybe short circuit, mobo prob or etc. 😴


SAME PROB HERE!!! a few days ago I found out that if I let the laptop on for 10,20min witouth flashing, it eventually boot up (without powering off the laptop) it just boot when it GETS HOT. what could this be?

omg, I have been having problem with my 4535G and I tried to follow the procedure of flashing the bios via usb but i can't get hold of the .fd file, only .wph anyway for me to contact you and learn from you how to flash my bios please?