Reminder/Planner/Calendar Software


Sep 13, 2010
I am trying to find a software, or application, preferrably freeware or shareware that I can get for free, that will help me with daily planning and scheduling. I need it to pop up, alarm, or somehow notify me, of tasks, and events that need to be sought to or attended.

Like my workout schedule, or remembering to go through my check registry. It could pop up at 3pm everyday on my desktop, on top of all other windows.

Is there anything that can do this?

So add it to your startup programs and use the Minimise to Tray extension, so once it starts running (automatically at startup), even if you click close, it stays running, minimised in your system tray, ready to pop up with those reminders.

Okay, I have it on my startup program, but how can I get it to minimize to tray extension? Not just my taskbar tray, but the other one. So if I close it, (much like utorrent, and P2P programs) it stays over by the time and volume?