remote access to laptop or pc not online

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Aug 29, 2013
is there a way, either through use of hardware or software to provide remote access to a laptop or a pc anytime the machine is turned on, even if its internet access is disabled and it is not part of a network? where to purchase? how to install?
actually, i have a problem. i have an asus kj501 laptop running vista home premium. some hackers at some point got to my machine & now they are able to access it anytime i turn it on, even though i do not use it online. i recently installed a new hard drive, reinstalling the operating system. however, once the machine was operational, (not online) there they were, taking control of my machine & stopping me from doing any work. this has been going on for some time and i don't understand how such access is possible. If there are any suggestions i am willing to try them to solve this problem

thank you for your help. i most recently tried this solution, with no success. what i did was to wipe the disk clean (using Seagate's Disk Wizard), reformat the disk & re install the OS from the original installation disks. as soon as the installation was completed, there they were! you mention that some process might be running that allows this access. If that is the case, how can i determine what it is & shut it off? You also imply that the machine might not be actually "offline." what steps should i check to be assured that my machine IS offline?
Also, i wonder could remote access have been gained to my machine's bios (via soft or hardware)? If so, would this allow the perpetrators to regain access to the operating system whatever i might try? If this is the case, how can i respond to the problem and keep these scoundrels out of my machine? also, is there any way of my finding out who they are & where they are doing this from - i.e., a way to "trace" this identity stealing incursion back & gain evidence to present to the authorities so that they might prosecute these people? Thanks again for taking time to consider my problem. Akimon
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