Removing voicemail notification without calling voicemail


Apr 19, 2016
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 with 4G, and from time to time I get phone calls which go to voicemail. This creates a notification that goes on the lock screen and in the notification area. I've tried everything I can to remove or disable these notifications, but I can't seem to find a solution that doesn't involve calling the voicemail number, which I don't want to do as it will cost me money.

Is there any way at all I can get rid of these annoying notifications?

No, there is no specific voicemail app. As far as I can see the voicemail app is the built-in phone app, and Settings does not allow blocking notifications from this app.

It's almost as if the voicemail notification is some sort of “supernotification;” clearing notifications does not remove it, and you can't remove it by swiping, like you can with normal notifications.

If anyone has any idea of how I can get rid of these annoying notifications, I would be very grateful.