Repair or Upgrade?


Sep 19, 2013
So guys, I currently have a dilema I'm going through. I recently smashed my S5 and the digitizer broke. My current option is to spend 179£ to get it repaired by Geek Squad (Carphone warehouse people in the UK) or spend similar money on a new phone?

My question is am I better of repairing the phone or buying a new phone?
The S5 is over a year old. To spend that kind of money to get it fixed does not make a ton of sense. I would look for a cheaper price, or just buy another phone, such as the Asus ZenPhone which is quite affordable and well liked.
Check its price in the second hand market, if it still has a price that is more than the repair cost, repair it and sell it immediately.

Otherwise, just buy a new phone and sell it as spare parts.