Solved! Replacement For ComboFix - Won't run on Windows 10!

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Sep 28, 2014
I have just discovered, while following the instructions in "Removing Malware (proven to completely remove bitcoin mining malware)" that ComboFix will not run on anything later than Windows 8, including Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Is there a replacement that can be suggested? As I have just discovered it, I cannot tell exactly what it does so I can't look for a replacement!

The article quoted mentioned a very carefully worked out sequence of several steps which I thought I would go through. Some time ago I thought I would join the bandwagon and for a couple of days ran the program. But then I decided it was putting folders where I hadn't given the program permission to change so, I uninstalled them. Now, several months later, I still find folders, usually some strange names, alphabetically first and last on each of my drives! I cannot find what's doing it but I can find no other problems. Every time I delete them, others pop up. I was hoping this sequence of tests might discover it. but, alas, I ran the remaining routines and they found nothing!

Further to this matter, I just found out that, unbeknownst to me, these folders, are being created by a ransomware preventer, "RansomFree" from "Cybereason" ( That's how they stop ransomware by putting these folders full of dummy files and wait for them to be changed!

So, I guess I don't have any malware after all and I thank everyone that read and responded to my plight!

If Malwarebytes AntiMalware and/or Hitman Pro won't remove it, best to simply back up your data, and 'nuke and pave' (i.e., delete partition/reformat/reinstall)....and then avoid redownloading the boobytrapped files from questionable websites.

Some less than reputable websites have mining malware that runs whenever you visit the website(s) in question, keep in mind....i.e., you will not fix it if still visiting those sites.
If Malwarebytes AntiMalware and/or Hitman Pro won't remove it, best to simply back up your data, and 'nuke and pave' (i.e., delete partition/reformat/reinstall)....and then avoid redownloading the boobytrapped files from questionable websites.

Some less than reputable websites have mining malware that runs whenever you visit the website(s) in question, keep in mind....i.e., you will not fix it if still visiting those sites.
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