Replacment Motherboard for my Gateway Laptop?

Jun 26, 2017
Hello, My laptop broke months ago and I am trying hard to find a replacement motherboard.

My model is the Gateway NV57H17u

I have been searching for months but there are no NV57H17u models online for sale. My question is will one of the models listed below have a suitable replacement motherboard? I relize the components are much different, notably that all the ones I listed are 4gb memorys and mine is a 6gb memory. Does this mean that there will only be enough room for 4gb? Or will there be room to put in my 6gb?

I notice there are very similar models for sale like these... Will they have same motherboard?

What is the difference between NV57H17u, NV57H26U, NV57H54U, or NV57H77u in terms of motherboards?

Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated, I have been trying to figure this out for months and am getting nowhere!

Thank you
Question from computingandrebooting : "Need to find replacment motherboard for Laptop"

Question from computingandrebooting : "Need to find replacment motherboard for Laptop"

I would highly advice you no to change MB, because it can be very difficult, and I do not really think the end product is worth it.

If I am not wrong all the Intel core i3 uses the same socket, as long as they are from the same generation.
The ram sockets are pretty standard, as long as they are from the same year or so.
Most likely do they use the same Mobo, and it should fit if the case is the same.