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On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 20:58:47 -0500, "sparks" <> wrote:
> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 18:44:49 GMT, Steph
>> <CUT_skipatrol@hotmail.com_CUT> wrote:
>>>"T.B." <> wrote in
>>>> I am using DVArchive for the first time, and just downloaded the
>>>> first
>>>> show from my 5080 to my PC. I tried playing it with Windows Media
>>>> Player and only got the audio. After reading the FAQ at
>>>>, I see that I may need a specific codec to do this.
>>>> So, if I want to play the .mpg files from my RTV with WMP, do I
>>>> have
>>>> to purchase a codec? are there any free ones out there? what is
>>>> everyone else using to do this?
>>>> thanks
>>>> TB
>>>Try Video Lan Client. It might work for you without adding a codec,
>>>though it takes a little more CPU cycles than other options.
>>>If you install a DVD playing application, like WinDVD or PowerDVD
>>>codec will be on your system and then you can use WMP. Some folks
>>>had luck with installing the demo versions and then using WMP to
>>>them they might even work past the 30-day trial period (try it).
>>>There are also some low-cost available codecs, I forget the exact
>>>but i think it starts with an "e" and cost abut $20
>> Elecard? That's the one mentioned on the VideoLAN page.
>> Note that it messes up your video after the free trial period, if
>> not
>> registered.
>> --
>> 55 days until the winter solstice celebration
>> Mark Lloyd
>> has a Replay 5xxx
>> "It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
>> paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
>> anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh
>I, along with another poster seem to recall a distant memory of a
>fellow with a similar sig in another newsgroup. I'm not saying who.
I get most of the quotes from sigs other people use and collect them
on my web page (http

/ I
guess someone got it from there.
>My point is that magic9 and I look forward to your posts and replies.
>At least I do inasmuch as I always check your posts first and as
>gospel. At least in this group.
>BTW, Evelyn Waugh also said: "You can't always get what you want",
>ages before Mick made a lyric of it. I suppose you knew that.
Yes. Also, I seem to have fixed the scheduler problem that kept the
dynamic sig from updating.
46 days until the winter solstice celebration
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh