Well, for the country that invented most of the internet, the US broadband companies (i.e. Verizon, Comcast, Cox et. al.) are taking their sweet time getting the internet to everyone.
Seriously, I live just outside LA and the best internet I can get in my area is s**tty Verizon. They have crap for tech support, they lowered my DSL speeds TWICE now, and they raised my rates. I'm down to barely scratching 80MBps (that's MB not MBit/Mb) downloading, 100MBps on a good day. I'm lucky if it even surges to 150MBps.
I would have considered their FiOS if they even got on the task about the crappy lines in my area that disconnects the internet every 2 minutes in the winter. OUTSIDE. LOS. ANGELES. What?!