Hello, I'm struggling between 9377 and 9773, what's even better, I don't know the difference between s or non s. So if anyone is kind enough do give me a brief assumption it would be marvelous.
Ok let's get it started, 9377 is a older model yet it has a potential for me to upgrade it down the road if I decide to buy another 980 for dual SLI since I'm short on budget. Yet, 9773 has a better design and a better screen in my opinion, and it's a newer model. I can be wrong but I've done lots of research online however there are too little discussions about these two due to low popularity of sager. If anyone is able to give me some insights I would really really appreciate your help.
If possible, i would like a customizability comparison if any one can enlighten me. Thank you so much
P.s. I do not need ur advice on laptop vs desktop. I move around a lot, period.
Ok let's get it started, 9377 is a older model yet it has a potential for me to upgrade it down the road if I decide to buy another 980 for dual SLI since I'm short on budget. Yet, 9773 has a better design and a better screen in my opinion, and it's a newer model. I can be wrong but I've done lots of research online however there are too little discussions about these two due to low popularity of sager. If anyone is able to give me some insights I would really really appreciate your help.
If possible, i would like a customizability comparison if any one can enlighten me. Thank you so much
P.s. I do not need ur advice on laptop vs desktop. I move around a lot, period.