Samsung 8 cell lithium polymer battery


Dec 6, 2012
I have a samsung 900 series laptop with an 8 cell lithium polymer battery. It came with an ac adapter. I have a few questions.

Is it ok to use my laptop plugged in on a regular basis ?

What is the best way to use this laptop so I can take care of the battery ?

How long can I expect a battery like this to last ?

How much might it cost to replace a battery by sending the computer to manufacturer ?
1. Technically you should be able to keep your laptop plugged in on a regular basis. Samsung laptops have something called Battery Life Extender which only charges the battery up to 80% unless you override it. It basically prevents the battery from being overcharged which can reduce battery life.

2. Just make sure that Battery Life Extender is enabled so that the battery is not charged to 100% unless you plan on using it unplugged.

3. It varies. 3 - 4 years if you take care of it I suppose.

4. Call Samsung and ask them how much they will charge you.
Thanks. I'll make sure my battery extender option is on and just use it without worry. I will call Samsung, but their customer support seems to suck. I love the laptop.
1. Yes
2. Avoid repeated full charge and discharge cycle, avoid over draining and avoid excessive heat and what jaguarskx says.
3. Around 2 if you use it regularly.
4. No point getting battery from Samsung. Just buy whatever quality battery that is cheap.

I believe the battery is integrated into the chassis so it's not easy for the average laptop owners to replace the battery on their own.

I'm sure there's a online guide / video that shows you how to do so.
Let’s look at real-life situations and examine what stresses lithium-ion batteries encounter. Most packs last three to five years. Environmental conditions, and not cycling alone, are a key ingredient to longevity, and the worst situation is keeping a fully charged battery at elevated temperatures. This is the case when running a laptop off the power grid. Under these conditions, a battery will typically last for about two years, whether cycled or not. The pack does not die suddenly but will give lower runtimes with aging.
End quote:
Good read:

I the vast majority of time the laptop is plugged in recommend removing it even though it has the protection circuit.

For Replacement cost (I almost always buy a 2nd battery), go to google and do a search - there are cheaper places than the laptop manuf, Just a caution make sure it is not from some "weird As2 company.

That is a great article(battery university). It sheds some light on battery usage for lithium batteries. I can see why I could not get a straight answer from most of the people I dealt with at Best Buy.