Samsung NP355V5C disassembly to clean HeatSink / fan etc


Jul 30, 2009
has anyone managed to figure out how to take one of these apart to access the HS / Fan? been running into possible overheating issues, and would like to clean them / see if they need cleaning in the hope that that is why im having an problem.

i just cant for the life of me work out what im missing, it does not seem right that ill have to remove everything n split the case in two just to check if i need to clean the HS.
if i remember correctly the model number sometimes is quoted slightly differently.

Good to see Samsung has people that know their stuff. :) I would say that if your efforts to circumvent overheating don't prove fruitful, then yeah: send it in to them. They can create a RMA case for you; you will just need to pay for shipping, I imagine.

And don't worry; you're not pestering at all!

wow thankyou for that! i spent an hour or two the other day looking and couldnt find anything. wow that looks like ill even have to take out the mobo to access the hs and fan to clean it ><. and i thought my mums dell was a pain having to remove the cpu to get access to the hs and fans!

i miss my toshiba's easy access.

the laptop has been having issues by producing a black screen then turning off when ive been gaming, i have been trying a few early access games out but im guessing its an over heating thing. as it can get very physically hot to the left hand side! and the recent high temperatures in the uk have not helped things!

so would i just direct compressed air at the vents then? wouldn't that just compress the dust n fluff towards the back of the vent / grills?

as you can tell im rather confused what to do, any advice is welcome.
Hey, no problem!

I honestly prefer to open them up and clean them, as you're more or less right about using compressed air against the vents; a good majority of whatever is clogging the fans and/or heat sinks will get forced outward, but some of it will get pushed into the system as well. It's still better than breaking the warranty by opening it up to clean it, and better than not cleaning it at all. 😉

How long have you owned this? It's possible the thermal paste has worn out if you've used it for quite awhile.

I purchased it on 23 Nov 2012, so i expect i received it about a week later.

i think i also have had to set this on to onboard graphics and not dedicated (its one of those dual card things).


awh right! never thought about pushing its warranty for this, but your right - it just never occurred to me!
so i should be able to set the graphics to default so it auto switches etc when needed and not turn off right? thats how this is supposed to work? if i didn't know better id swear it was the HDD that was making this thing hot! im just guessing that its in the same location as either the gpu cpu or both and thus it appears to be the hdd.

--- --- ---

wow i nearly fell off my chair when i got a reply from them! AND its (mostly) written by someone who is actually a tech! its a miricle someone working in support who actually is not reading from a script (well too much 😛)
The extracts for your reading pleasure:

"In regards to the heating.
Most laptops have two vents. One pulls in cool air and the other pushes out warm air. Both of these vents can become clogged with lint, dust and small debris as time passes, which can cause your laptop to overheat.
Clean your vents regularly to keep your computer running efficiently.
1. Make sure your vents are not blocked in any way. This is the only way a laptop can expel hot air and blocking them is the equivalent of cutting off your air supply. Routinely take canned air and place the straw inside each of the vent holes and give it a quick shot of air to help blow away internal dust that may be preventing the heat sink from doing its job (be careful as too much air can go past the heat sink and make the fan spin off its bearings, messing it up)
2. Never use your laptop on a soft surface like a bed, blanket, etc. These can easily block the vents and trap heat inside without you even realizing it. Take the same precaution for your power adapter. I had a power adapter fry on me because I inadvertently had it covered by a blanket.
3. Give your laptop a break. When you notice your computer getting very hot, save your progress, close down your programs and give it a break for 30-60 minutes to let it cool down some. Resource-intensive programs
like video editing, Photoshop and games will make a laptop get hot faster than anything else.
4. When not using your laptop (such as when you're sleeping), power it off and allow it several hours to cool internal components off."
so im sorry i keep pestering you, do you think i should just ask them to take it in n fix it? given that it is in warranty?

Good to see Samsung has people that know their stuff. :) I would say that if your efforts to circumvent overheating don't prove fruitful, then yeah: send it in to them. They can create a RMA case for you; you will just need to pay for shipping, I imagine.

And don't worry; you're not pestering at all!

Apologies for the delay but thought id update anyone following, by some really random luck my retailer offered a full refund as they had no more stock in, im surprised by this and admittedly it defeats the object but still! im tempted to take this offer up and go for something else in a little while, my problem is im struggling to find anything near the same spec for a similar price! (suggestions welcome, again may be the best place is in another thread).

in the mean time im thinking of using my old laptop a philips freevents x59 to get by on and wow its a bit of a shock to the system, any advice on tweeking is welcome, however i suspect another thread with a few of my ideas may be the best place for this.

Finally i wanted to take a moment and say a HUGE thankyou to Prostar Computer for his/her help through all this.
also the number of threads im thinking of creating may just drive you guys nuts its great to finally find a forum that is helpful!
His. 😉 And I appreciate that!

Suggestions: We don't carry many APU equipped systems, but I know Asus has some decent ones, such at the K55N. :) Hopefully you find what you're looking for soon!

Tweaks: not a lot you can do from a software standpoint that will make a significant difference. There are some network tweaking/optimization tools for Windows that may help some with internet access/page load times, and it helps to run utilities such as Ccleaner and do a defrag once in awhile.