Solved! Samsung Phone: Marketing Billing Service not available

Dec 17, 2018
I have tried buying some In game items for my nephew on a Samsung J6, we have never bought any of that sort before, at least not on Samsung.
One thing to note is that: The game " Idle Heroes" is not available in our country according to Google Play. we have downloaded it through APK Pure and it works just fine, at least, on the outside. On a side note: it was available through Apple store to our country according to my nephew on his previous phone.

My Credit Card is linked with Google Playstore, so it should theoretically be possible for us to buy Apps or items/currency. The message we received when we tried to buy items in Idle Heroes is:

" Can't make purchases: The Market billing service is not available at this time. You can continue to use this app but you won't be able to make purchases."
As the message said not available at this time, we have waited a week now I think.

But we also tried to buy some things on another game which is "Available" in our country through google Playstore and All it says is "Connection error" and doesn't direct us anywhere for the last two days. I also downloaded a VPN yesterday through Google Playstore and it shows the message " Billing Error: It seems that this device doesn't support in-App billing"

Meaning that it is a problem with the Phone? I have done some reading but when I tried to google about in App billing, it shows me to Samsung in App billing, which to my understanding, is a different thing.

I have also heard something about a Samsung Pay. Which, For some reason, is not available through Galaxy Apps for some reason? According to It isn't available/compatible or something with my device. But it was available on APK Pure so I have tried downloading it. However, Connection error: Unable to connect to samsung pay temporarily. for the last 24+ Hours atleast. maybe because not available in my country according to Google?

I would like some help on figuring out how to go about buying these things. And thank you for taking the time to read this message.
Mhm, I'll send them a message I suppose. What bothers me is that the VPN I downloaded, Hotspot Shield, keeps saying that "In-App billing not supported on this Device".
Anyway, We'll see I suppose.
Thanks for reading, I'll put update here when I get a response or something.

Update; I just got an answer from the developer, according to him, all Transactions go through Apple or Google play. So hmm, maybe the thing which is blocking me is the region, since I'm considered rest of the world according to the link that was posted here and apparently they don't offer to us Apps which need to be paid or apps which have in-app Purchases. I have yet to get a reply from Google. or Samsung. I reached out to Samsung before I posted here, no reply yet.

Update 2: Got Reply from Samsung. Had to live chat. According to them. There is nothing wrong with the phone itself even though the message says this device does not support in App Billing. It's due to the Region I am in as google does not distribute here. And thus unable to make any sort of payments. The reason why Samsung pay does not connect is due to the fact that Samsung pay only allows for the place it is designed for, if I understood correctly, and mine was made for the UK

So the problem lies with Google
Google Play does not have a support Email from what I got so not sure how to exactly go about it, but I did post on the Google play Help Forum, which I think should be same? I wonder if they'll make exceptions.
So the problem is confirmed I guess, the problem is Google. Since my country cannot download App or pay for any apps through Google, and I have yet to receive a reply on Google Play Help Forum. I can't change my Location on my current Google Account, but I do have a previous one which has US as the Location. Unfortunately I Can't Link my paypal there as my Paypal is set to the Maldives. But I Can link my Card, Do you suppose it's safe or work. Extra charges or anything? Any thoughts?
I see. Well, It seems, I am unable to do that either. You need to have a US based Paypal or Card for that to work. Though I think, my last resort is Google Play cards. which I never even heard prior before, in my country. I guess it should work without Card or Paypal. Will have to buy some online I suppose as not Sold here. Well, thanks though, for the help!. Any Sites you'll suggest for me to buy cards? I suppose they send the Code over rather than physically sending them over? I think? Never bought those before.

Though I suppose this thread is done i guess. How do i close it.