Samsung R580 Cooling Fan


Nov 4, 2014
I have as an second laptop old Samsung R580 with i3, gt 330m and 4gb of ram and i would like to give it to my repents to use, but because its old it runs really hot and on stressful task shuts down. Average temperature with just Chrome open is around 60C and it easily reaches 90C with some heavy program. My idea is to change a cooling fan and to apply cooling paste but i dont know will that help? Is it better to buy a new fan and paste for 15€ or buy a cooling pad?
Most likely problem is dust/lint build upon the heatsink assembly.
First I would blow air in the exhaust vent. Be sure to use a pin or toothpick to keep the fan from over revving. You will usually have lumps of dust bunnies in the fan. use a toothpick or pin, hemostats to remove the dust bunnies from the fan area.
Cooling pads are marginal depending on where the laptops fan and the pads fans are mounted. In some cases it can raise temps by creating more horizontal flow across the intake fan than it can overcome.
A new fan/heatsink assembly and paste are much better options than cooling pads. Just make sure you clean the heatsink assembly exhaust area before re- assembling
Most likely problem is dust/lint build upon the heatsink assembly.
First I would blow air in the exhaust vent. Be sure to use a pin or toothpick to keep the fan from over revving. You will usually have lumps of dust bunnies in the fan. use a toothpick or pin, hemostats to remove the dust bunnies from the fan area.
Cooling pads are marginal depending on where the laptops fan and the pads fans are mounted. In some cases it can raise temps by creating more horizontal flow across the intake fan than it can overcome.
A new fan/heatsink assembly and paste are much better options than cooling pads. Just make sure you clean the heatsink assembly exhaust area before re- assembling