Samsung S7 won't do ANYTHING


Jan 20, 2015
I bought a Samsung s7 about 3 months ago and it has been working perfectly until one day it just crashed. An app i exited out of crashed and then the entire phone followed suit. No matter what combination of buttons i press with or without power does not work. When i plug it into my computer however the computer does make a sound like when you connect a working advice. I would really appreciate any help on this situation


Well, if it is crashing, you may want to try starting it in "Safe Mode" and see if that will let you in. Any bad app should not load in "Safe Mode" and give you the opportunity to remove it from the device, and then try starting it normally.

To get into "Safe Mode" please do the following.

1. First turn off the phone.

2. Next press and hold "Power" until you see the manufacturers logo on the screen, then release the power button.

3. "Quickly" press "Volume Down" and hold it for few seconds until you see the message "Safe mode: ON" or something similar.

4. If you wanted disable it, simply repeat the steps above, and you should see "Safe Mode: OFF" rather than on.

I have tried that to no avail