Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook broke without a reason


Feb 27, 2016
Hello, my almost 3 year old Ultrabook shut down, while i was watching a film. If i Plug in Power, there are even no lights on showing whether it is loading or plugged in.hard reset doesnt work and i cant afford a new one at the moment. Any idea what it could be?

Please do try these troubleshooting steps that may help.
- Start with a hard reboot, remove the battery and unplug it's AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try booting it.
- If it doesn't work reseat the RAM, remove them all for couple of second then put them back in making sure everything is seated properly.
- Again if these doesn't work but you can hear the laptop on but with no display, connect an external monitor and see if it would display anything because if it does that means it's the built in display that is faulty.
- Next to try is if your AC adapter is still okay by trying another AC adapter that has the same voltage and see if it would work.
- If all these will not work it would be a motherboard problem.