Sandisk Ultra Fit 64GB USB 3.0 flash drive taking 4 hours to write 36GB


Jul 16, 2015
Hey everyone,

I just bought a Sandisk Ultra Fit 64GB USB 3.0 flash drive.

I highlighted everything on my desktop and dragged it into the flash drive window. In total it is about 36GB.

It takes about 4 hours for the flash drive to write that 36GB.

I have it plugged into a 3.0 port on my Lenovo Edge e330 laptop.

The computer says the USB is 3.0 connected.

It just seems like this is a hell of a long time for a supposedly super speed flash drive to write 36GB. Or is it not?

Thanks for your advice.
First you should check that the port you are using is actually working as USB3. Remember that a USB2 device on the same branch of devices can slow other things down to usb2 speeds- things lik your mouse are usb2 so put it onto a USB2 port- there's no advantage using a usb3 port and possible disadvantages. The device manager will tell you if it's working properly or not.