Solved! [Sanyo (Funai) FW50C36F 50" LED] Looking for help with a unique problem!


Apr 16, 2020
I should start by saying that this is my first time trying to repair my own electronic device but I have all relevant tools and am wanting to learn. Money is tight right now but time is abundant. I have already been in contact with Sanyo's repair line and, needless to say, they weren't any help.

I bought this TV second-hand but wasn't informed that the backlight LEDs have turned blue; otherwise it works perfectly fine. I dissassembled the TV and found the part# for the LED strips (UDULED0GS056/UDULED0GS057) but couldn't find any in-stock anywhere I'd trust sending my money to. I did some research and decided I'd try installing some aftermarket LEDs in place of the old blue OEM strips. I opted to buy with and have already installed one whole strip into the TV; it works quite well. I figured there wasn't any reason to remove the OEM LED strips so they are still there but are unplugged.

The problem is that the TV is now shutting itself off shortly after turning on. I am unable to change the channel or anything but have hooked up my laptop through the HDMI port and my desktop background does appear on screen for a split second before the TV shuts off, so I do not believe I have damaged anything. After doing some research I learned that it is most likely a safety feature to prevent electrical fires when the TV detects a problem.

At this point I'm quite determined to get this thing working (if possible) regardless of how long it takes me. I'm hoping there's either a way to bypass/disable the safety feature or perhaps there's something I can install/modify on the motherboard or at the backlight connector to trick the TV into thinking there's nothing wrong?

So, is there anything more I can try at this point? Any help would be much appreciated!

ShopJimmy page of the OEM backlight strips, for reference:
Get the replacement from shopjimmy.
The backlight has to be plugged into the TV´s connections, otherwise it thinks that something is odd, that no connection is between the stripes and the TV.
Thanks for the reply helpstar; unfortunately, ShopJimmy doesn't have the part in stock and can't say if they'll ever get more, much less when. However, that is essentially what I was hoping I could do, except with resistors perhaps? If so, I'm not sure what the best way to go about it would be, or if there are potentially better alternative solutions.