SB i5-2450M overheat


Jun 22, 2012
Hi, I was just wondering, How hot are mobile Sandy Bridge cpu's supposed to get? on my laptop, it goes up to 90C when I use a cpu intensive program before it throttles down 🙁
The vents and fans are not obstructed or blocked, and it's quite new, don't think dust is a problem(yet)

Any tips?

Thanks :)
That is WAY too hot. Even desktop CPU's shouldn't get up that high!!!
It's getting close to frying itself...

If it's ONLY during CPU intensive applications, then maybe it's just a cooling design flaw in the laptop. I would keep an eye on it and get a cooling pad for it as well.

Yeah, the problem is, my laptop runs distributed computing..... and the client?
Yeah, I know... maybe I shouldn't do it 🙁

it idles at 60C..

Yeah, that's what CoreTemp said, max100C, but I don't want to get too close to that... 😛