[citation][nom]wildkitten[/nom]I love how people from the left just call names. And I hate the fact that a site that tries to pass itself off in some manner as jounalistic has a very bad first line.First and foremost, there is no definitive proof on global warming. I would suggest you read the works of Dr. Roy W. Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville as well as a scientist working for NASA. He has extensive works on the subject.And let's not forget, according to radical environmentalists who taught current people like Al Gore, Great Britain was to be under ice by the year 2000. Earth Day was made to warn people of global COOLING. And if manmade global warming is so real, why is there need to do things like fabricate emails and evidence?A lot of people like to use buzz words like "scientific consensus" although one really does not exist. Of course these people forget that at one time in human history, scientific consensus was that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun orbited us. Truth isn't formed by a few people saying something is that way.I also find it very odd that in less than 200 years that humanity has been in the industrial age we have somehow polluted far more than nature itself which puts these pollutants into the air at a far greater rate than human beings could if they intentionally tried to do it.Now I am all for common sense protection of the environment. We all want clean water, we want to breathe clean air. But these "teabaggers" you call them, why don't you look at the grounds where they hold their rallys compared to even radical environmentalists. The Tea Party people actually clean up after themselves.It's so funny how radical environmentalists push things like the electic car. And yes, the electric car doesn't pollute while it's operating. However, it still pollutes, often times with greater impact. How does an electric car get it's power? Batteries. How are these batteris charged? By plugging them in. That means more electricity has to be generated, mostly from coal, because radicals won't allow us to try to progress. And what happens when the batteries have to be disposed of? Sorry, but the environmental impact is actually GREATER by these so called "green" cars.Reminds me of the disposable diaper tirade radicals went on at the end of the 80's/early 90's. "Disposable's take up too much landfill space and don't break down, people MUST use cloth diapers!!!" While it was never argued that they didn't break down, sensible people said let's research first to see what the impact will be by going cloth. Radicals pushed for cloth to make a comeback and it did greatly. What ended up happening was more launcry was being done, so more detergents ended up being put into the water systems. Diaper services made a comeback and more vehicles on the road. All of a sudden the radicals did a 180 and made cloth out to be the evil though people went to cloth because of them.And explain how putting gas back to $2 a gallon would create a recession? If fuel prices were lower that would help the economy.[/citation]
i don't want to do this, but o well.
batteries when disposed of properly, pollute very little, and i guarantee you that a car battery isn't something most sane people just toss out without a second thought.
here is another fact, powerplants charging a battery is noting major. assuming most of it is done at night. an electric car batter could be charged a number of ways, ill assume fast for if you need a recharge quick, which would draw more power, and slow, for an over night charge. and coal is sadly the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to coal or oil... i want nuclear but thats not happening... god i hate peoples stupidity with that issue.
now lets also look at gas.
currently people are saying that gas is going to die, and we are getting close to running out completely, without really having much to back their claims up, so gas is going up in price, the only way to get it to go down would either be to strong arm them in to lowering prices, which America isn't in a position to do anymore, or spend tax $ on getting gas cheaper. now tax money may not come out of out pockets and from another government...
what you are saying about us polluting, thats true, and its just narcissism at its finest. animals we far pollute more than we do, and we aren't even talking about the ring of fire which constantly puts out more "green house gasses" than we could ever do.
i can go further, but i think i hit the basics.
o yea, there is also the idea of instead of recharging batteries at home, replacing them at gas stations. that way you always have a good battery, and you can get a new one in under a minute, probably faster than you can fill up a tank of gas.