Question Sd formatting

Oct 27, 2020
I have a LG Phoenix 5 first phone ever with internet or SD card.I have had 4 SD cards purchased in 2months.when I put it in it doesn't ask to format I try to format it goes to 20% and ejects card remounts and says its portable.i have done all the tips Give read except factory reset.then wondering if I do that does it delete my messenger photos and messages.thats where half my pictures are I sent them to myself
3 of them were bought from ebay.2-256gb Krecoo,1 -32gb Krecoo. And 1 256gb Onn bought at Walmart.the first 256 it turned phone off and on till battery went dead it reset phone lost everything,All only went to 20%. The other 3 went to 20% and ejected&mounted turned in2 portable SD. Got 3 refunds got 32gb yesterday still did same thing.all trying to get that fad never gave me choice to set had to go n2 SD settings format is only option.
Its my first new phone everyone been trying 4years 2get me 2leave my "dinosaur" phone&get updated they and you think i got a bad phone.what do I do to get another one?and keep my stuff?
backup your data by a cloud storage or connect it to a PC and use the LG backup software

after that, RMA the
backup your data by a cloud storage or connect it to a PC and use the LG backup software

after that, RMA the phone
Don't have PC.dont know what cloud is or how to use. I seen google cloud and ATT cloud never been there,or see what's there.whats RMA?Im just learning,first computer internet dont know technical things,or meanings sorry thanks for trying with me.
first computer internet dont know technical things,or meanings sorry thanks for trying with me.
that´s not a problem, I ´ll try my best to explain it to you.

Cloud storage is storage which is in the internet like you correctly said "google cloud/google drive". You can login to such a cloud and store/backup your data there.

RMA is Return Merchandise Authorization or Return Material Authorization which means that you can send an e-mail to the shop you bought the phone from ( in which you describe the problem and that your phone is still under warranty ) and they will send you an RMA number which contains all the information they need to identify the product, when you send back the phone to them. They probably will replace the phone with a new one and your problem should be gone then.