Solved! Cannot delete files from SD card.

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Feb 20, 2014
Hi everyone.
I have had an issue with my SD card in my phone running Android 8.0, not rooted, (Huawei P10 lite, purchased before google stopped supporting Huawei) where it appears that I can’t delete anything from it.

The issue first presented when I tried to load some more audiobooks into my SD card from my PC but the transfer wouldn’t work properly, killing the process and disconnecting my phone from my PC. I thought this was a glitch so I changed cable and USB port to a rear port and still got this issue.

At the time I thought maybe something in the audiobook files was bad so I just carried on with the ones that managed to get loaded, though every time I’d try to rename the folders of the audiobooks that did transfer they’d revert back to the name that they were loaded into the SD card with.

Fast forward to today and I try to delete the audiobooks just in case it was some issue about folder sizes from the android file explorer and my PC. When deleting from my PC the files would simply reappear in the SD card when I rebooted the phone. I also tried shutting down the phone, removing the SD card, and rebooting my phone before putting it back in after another power-off.

When trying to delete the files from inside the android file manager (and uninstalling my audiobook player just in case that was messing everything up) I would either get a slew of ‘Error while deleting the folder/file [filename]’ errors.
At this point I curiously tried to delete a different item, a photo in a different folder, from my SD card and I was presented with the same problem.

I decided at this point that I should just copy what I can off the SD card and format it. But after making android reformat the SD card on a reboot the SD card apparently still has all the data on it.

At this point google searches and forum diving haven’t really helped any further so I’m suspecting that my SD card is borked but I’d like to get some second opinions on stuff I could have missed before I get a new SD card (having just transferred all the files on the card I could onto my PC)

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance
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Unless you have other files on the card, you can always reformat it and try again.

try putting the card in the computer and work from there. it is usually easier and faster. That is what I do when I have a lot of audiobooks to copy over. In addition, From the pc you can always run a chkdsk on the card to see if there are any errors.
Unless you have other files on the card, you can always reformat it and try again.

try putting the card in the computer and work from there. it is usually easier and faster. That is what I do when I have a lot of audiobooks to copy over. In addition, From the pc you can always run a chkdsk on the card to see if there are any errors.
Unless you have other files on the card, you can always reformat it and try again.

try putting the card in the computer and work from there. it is usually easier and faster. That is what I do when I have a lot of audiobooks to copy over. In addition, From the pc you can always run a chkdsk on the card to see if there are any errors.

Unfortunately, I've already tried to perform a reformat of the SD card, even though android said that it had reformatted successfully all the data on the SD card was still there after a reformatting and a reboot. I, unfortunately, do not have ab SD card reader for my computer either which leaves that avenue closed.
That's not good. might be time to invest in an external reader 🙂 Anyway, there are apps in the play store that will check the health of your sd card, I am not familiar with them, so I cannot recommend one. Do you have another device you can try the card in? or another card you can try?
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