Security Systems


Jun 14, 2011
In keeping with the recent Tom's Hardware article I was wondering what types of systems people use for security. The article focused on a whole system approach which is overkill for most of us. I am working on a home server, which I plan on adding a security system to with a few cameras, but was wondering what you are using, how well it works, and most importantly if you have seen it stop anyone from taking your stuff!

I would also like your home address and the passwords for your security system.... but I suppose that would be going a bit far 😀 😉
About "stopping" anyone from taking stuff, for that you need to have it in plain sight, with warnings all over the place. And have the cameras in a place where someone may be able to see it but not reach it to destroy them. Alarms will sure work to stop people though if you are planning on that instead of just cameras.
well that is the crux of my whole issue with security. I believe in buying decent solid doors, quality locks, and good windows to make things sufficently difficult to enter the house in the first place. I figure if someone is that determined to get in then there is little I can do to stop them, so it is all about keeping them calm and relaxed so that they let their guard down, and them catching them on camera so the cops can catch them after the fact. After the deadbolt it is all about recovery instead of prevention. I would imagine an alarm would just make them move faster, making it less likely to catch them on camera, but they would still probably snag something of value before they go.
Besides, I have set off the alarm at work and at church enough times to know that it takes the cops arround here a good 30 minutes before they finally show up. Not saying they are lazy, but they simply have better things to do than to check every call that comes in from an alarm company when so many calls are false positives.
An alarm would stop more than half of the thiefs, the natural instinct of anyone that is not a pro, would be to scram before anyone noticed you. While someone who actually does this for a living would ignore the thing and go on doing what they are doing, just in less time, you'd scare many drunk or high idiots away.