Oh, it is completely more complicated than that.
Look at Nvidia's cloud gaming technology. As far as we know, this guy wants to create a AR Fighting game that would be like Power Stone for your desk, where all the computing is cloud based and it is free on the Google AppStore.
a) that would be awesome.
b) that would require a LOT of GPU servers.
That said, the guy's other post was in search of AR developers on here. I think we can safely assume this guy does not understand the undertaking of developing AR and may believe it to be similar to making a phone app.
(that may be unkind, but we are also working on limited information.)
What I see a lot in the tech industry is, people with ideas looking for programmers to make them a product that makes the "idea guy" money. In most cases the programmer goes, "Nah, I have enough work", and if they are a skilled programmer, "Nah, I got more $$$ than I can spend."