Set Public Content Permissions on LinkedIn

LinkedIn allows you to display your updates either only to your connections (people who are added in your connections list), or to all the other LinkedIn users who may or may not be your connections.

Additionally, if your profile is configured accordingly, you can also share your LinkedIn updates on your Twitter account in order to avoid posting identical content on your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles individually.

If your LinkedIn profile was configured to share your LinkedIn posts only with your connections, you can follow the steps below to set public permissions for your updates, (your posts will be visible to all the LinkedIn users), even if they are not added as your connections:

    ■Using any web browser, sign in to your LinkedIn account.
    ■On the Home page, click the Share an update field and type your text to create a post.
    ■Under the Share an update field, click the Share with drop-down list.
    ■From the displayed options, click Public to allow LinkedIn to share the update with public.
    ■Finally click the Share button from the right to post an update with the defined visibility permissions.


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