Shadowplay video microlags


Dec 2, 2015
Hello. I've got some issues with ShadowPlay.

When I recording FPS is stable 60 (I have VSync turned on), but the output video is not as smooth as it should be. I recording in FullHD on 60 FPS with 50MBs bitrate. I have HDD and SSD. SSD is system drive and HDD is data drive where I have installed GTA V (cause it cant fit to SSD). I tried to record on both drives and the result is same. I tried to record on 30FPS as well, but result is same. Everything I change result is same.

Video have some sort of microlags so it dont appear to be as smooth as it should be. Videos FPS i stable 60 anyway. Can it be caused by GTX drivers ?

My spec:

Intel Core i7-4790k 4GHz
GTX 980
Win 7 64bit

I recorded two videos. One with shadowplay and the other one with fraps. Both on same game settings etc...



Ok guys. If someone else have same problem I know what cause this and a little fix on this, but not so much usefull how I would expect it.

So the main cause of this is V-sync/G-sync which is turned on, turn it off and it should be ok. But for someone who dont want to play on incredibly high FPS with massive FPS drops, where for example inside of some house or something he have 200 FPS and once he goes outside it drops to 120FPS, which is noticable and horrible there could be solution. You have to limit your FPS, but not with V-sync (or G-sync for some of you playing at 144Hz). Try bandicam and limit your FPS.

I just tried to turn off V-sync and it was ok (but GTA V generating too much FPS and it is not stable). I didnt try that thing with FPS limit.
It looks like Shadowplay is recording at variable framerate and when you have V-sync turned on and record and then look on your video, you can see these micro-lags that are just duplicated frames once or more per second. When you put this video in Sony Vegas (for example) and look on it fame by frame you can notice duplicated frames. In my case every 4th-5th frame is duplicated.

I readed on some site that shadowplay auto grabs the nearest frame it can get to 60 FPS (or 30FPS if you record at 30FPS). So you have to limit your FPS to be multiple of framerate you recording at. So when you want to have smooth 60 FPS you have to play your game at 120FPS, if you want to have smooth 30 FPS, you have to play your game at 60FPS.

But limit your FPS just with some FPS limit program and not with v-sync/g-sync.

This should solve the problem. But the bad thing it that not much players can get stable 60FPS (or 120FPS) on some games.

I found this solution on official geforce forum posted on 03/20/2015.