short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey



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short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey

How many of each do you own?
How long have you owned each?
Do you skip commercials?
Do you share shows with others over broadband?
Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?
Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
amount of TV as before?

Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.

"Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money."
-- Groucho Marx
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On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:24:16 -0700, Ablang wrote:

> How many of each do you own?

I own a single TiVo, so far. (More TiVos to come, I'm sure...)

> How long have you owned each?

11 months.

> Do you skip commercials?

Nigh-religiously. (IOW, "Yes")

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?


> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

Yes, DVD.

> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

Yes, both.

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?

Overall, less.
Programs I _want_ to see? More. 😉

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Here in,
Ablang <> spake unto us, saying:

>short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
>How many of each do you own?

I own one (a ReplayTV 5040).

>How long have you owned each?

Roughly 14 months.

>Do you skip commercials?


>Do you share shows with others over broadband?


>Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

No, but I plan to at some point.

>Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

Not yet. 🙂

>Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
>amount of TV as before?

More. It's nice to have a bunch of stuff I *want* to watch on tap, and
I rarely miss important (to me) sporting events anymore.

-Rich Steiner >>>---> >>>---> Eden Prairie, MN
OS/2 + eCS + Linux + Win95 + DOS + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
Applications analyst/designer/developer (14 yrs) seeking employment.
See web site above for resume/CV and background.
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Ablang <> shaped the electrons to say:
>short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
>How many of each do you own?

Currently - 3 TiVos, 2 Series2 standalones and 1 Pioner 810H DVD-RW.
I also used to own a Philips Series1.

>How long have you owned each?

Hmm - I got one S2 when they first shipped, February 2002? I got the
S1 on eBay just after that. I replaced the S1 with the second S2 when
HMO MRV came out - late 2002 or early 2003? I forget. I got the 810H
around Xmas last year (2003).

>Do you skip commercials?


>Do you share shows with others over broadband?

Nope. But I may when TiVo To Go is released.

>Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

Yes - hence owning the DVD burning TiVo.

>Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

One of the S2s and the S1, yes - larger drives.

>Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
>amount of TV as before?

Probably more shows, but in less time since I can skip 20 minutes of
an hour program. I used to turn the TV on in the background and just
try to find something non-annoying. Now I'll do it, but with stuff I
have some interest in but don't watch closely - like Iron Chef.

>Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.

What is this for anyway?

-MZ, RHCE #806199299900541, ex-CISSP #3762
<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me.
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-755-4098
<URL:> <URL:> Eris
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> How many of each do you own?
2 Replay TV
> How long have you owned each?
Two years
> Do you skip commercials?
> Do you share shows with others over broadband?
> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?
> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?
Actually, less
> Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.
Greatest thing to happen to TV since color...

> ==
> "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money."
> -- Groucho Marx
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> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?
3 Replay units - Panasonic Showstopper, Replay 3060, Replay 5504

> How long have you owned each?
Showstopper - 22 months; 3060 - 3-1/2 years; 5504 - 8 months

> Do you skip commercials?

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?

> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
No - but may do so in the future

> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?
3060 is ready for an upgrade; no on the others

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?
Same amount (which is TOO MUCH!) -- but now on MY time (when it's convenient
for me)
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On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:24:16 -0700, Ablang
<> wrote:

>short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
>How many of each do you own?

1 series 1

>How long have you owned each?

since about 10 minutes after it was released

>Do you skip commercials?

sometimes. and sometimes it's nice to refer to a useful commercial.
Like for a phone number

>Do you share shows with others over broadband?

Doesn't apply

>Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?


>Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?


>Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
>amount of TV as before?


>Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.

I wouldn't want to go back to TV watching without TIVO. Other
companies DVRs are left wanting by the high standard set by TIVO.
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Ablang wrote:

> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?
> How long have you owned each?
> Do you skip commercials?
> Do you share shows with others over broadband?
> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?
> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?
> Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.
> ==
> "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money."
> -- Groucho Marx

1 Replay 5504 Two computers with DVarchive One is a laptop that
replaces a lot of video tape and VCR I used to haul into work with me
since I work a solo graveyard shift (So called cause it hastens your
trip to said location) I have saved one show to VCD and one to DVD just
to see if I could do it. I do save to DVD-RW as an augment of the HD on
the laptop (Burned as data in RTV format) The DVD-RW is used like a
video tape, (over and over again) It currently has about 400 Meg of
music files on it (Transferring back to the main computer which burns
CDs, course the burner I use here can burn CD's too)
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Ablang <> writes:

>short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey

>How many of each do you own?

1 ( Tivo S1 )

>How long have you owned each?

4 years

>Do you skip commercials?


>Do you share shows with others over broadband?


>Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?


>Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?


>Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
>amount of TV as before?

About the same in terms of quantity of shows, but
definitely more watching of what I want to watch rather than just
what is on at the time.

>Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.



> "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money."
> -- Groucho Marx
Charles R. Hunter
Director, Physics Computer Network
Purdue University
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Here in,
Lazarus Long <> spake unto us, saying:

>I wouldn't want to go back to TV watching without TIVO. Other
>companies DVRs are left wanting by the high standard set by TIVO.

That all depends on the feature set you're interested in, of course.

While I really do like what I've seen on a friend's TIVO in terms of
its ability to show recording conflicts and such, my 5040's automatic
commercial skipping is something I couldn't live without, and I also
like the fact that my 5040 just dropped into my LAN out of the box.

Different strokes for different folks. 🙂

-Rich Steiner >>>---> >>>---> Eden Prairie, MN
OS/2 + eCS + Linux + Win95 + DOS + PC/GEOS + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven!
Applications analyst/designer/developer (14 yrs) seeking employment.
See web site above for resume/CV and background.
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Ablang wrote:
> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?
4 5250
1 5525
2 3120
1 3080

> How long have you owned each?

2 mo to 3 yrs

> Do you skip commercials?

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?

> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

all, but in Replay's case it could hardly be called a "hack"

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?

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On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:24:16 -0700, Ablang wrote:

> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?

1 Series 1 Tivo.

> How long have you owned each?

About 2 years.

> Do you skip commercials?

Of course.

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?


> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?


> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

Rplaced original drive with larger drive.

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?
About the same, but in a shorter time.

Abit KT7-Raid (KT133) Tbred B core CPU @2400MHz (24x100FSB)
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In article <>,
Ablang <> wrote:
>short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
>How many of each do you own?

1 TiVo.

>How long have you owned each?

About four years.

>Do you skip commercials?


>Do you share shows with others over broadband?


>Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

I used to create SVCDs, but now I make DVDs.

>Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

Bigger hard drive, more RAM, and a network interface.

>Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
>amount of TV as before?

More, mainly because it's much easier to let a TiVo find stuff whenever it's
on than to look stuff up in a dead-tree TV guide and punch it into a VCR.

/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( Top-posting!
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Linux)

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> That all depends on the feature set you're interested in, of course.
> While I really do like what I've seen on a friend's TIVO in terms of
> its ability to show recording conflicts and such,

And of course, DVArchive has a very elaborate conflict resolution
display. Nothing Tivo has or announced vaporware tops networked Replays
and DVArchive.
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* Ablang wrote in
> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey

> How many of each do you own?

2 series 2 DTivo's

> How long have you owned each?

About a year.

> Do you skip commercials?

Most of them.

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?

Cant do it in their current state.

> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

Not yet but plans are in the works to do so.

> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

One has an additional 120 gig drive, the other is unhacked.

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?

More in less or about the same amount of time. Prior to Tivo I had to
make a choice which channel to watch, now I dont. I also dont watch
repeats now as there is always something else to watch.

David | AGM Favorites -
We'll cross that bridge when we come back to it later.
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"Ablang" <> wrote in message
> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?

One Panasonic Showstopper (ReplayTV)
Four ReplayTV 5000 series networked and with Internet access.

> How long have you owned each?

4, 3, 2, 1 years.

> Do you skip commercials?

Yes. Usually with Commercial Advance

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?

Yes, via

> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

Yes, a few dozen on DVD.

> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

Yes, all of them are upgraded with larger drives.

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?

About the same total time, but very different content and style. We never
watch live TV.

> Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.

Having ReplayTV units changes your life in pleasant relaxing ways. There is
never the concern to get home or miss some show. And there is always
something to watch.

> ==
> "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money."
> -- Groucho Marx
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"Ablang" <> wrote in message
> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?

1 series 1 Tivo

> How long have you owned each?

almost four years

> Do you skip commercials?

yes, with the 30 second skip enabled

> Do you share shows with others over broadband?


> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?


> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?


> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?

Less. I watch just as many tv shows, but spend a lot less time doing so.

> Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.

I let 5-10 minutes get buffered before watching "live" tv so that I can more
easily skip the commercials
I'd like to get a second Tivo (actually I'd like one for every cable channel
I watch)

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In article <>, says...
> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?
1 Replay 5040
> How long have you owned each?
About a year
> Do you skip commercials?
Of course. I even did it years ago with commcial advance on my VCR,
> Do you share shows with others over broadband?
> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?

> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?
More. However, that might have to do with switching to DishNetwork, and
having so many movies to record and see.
> Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.
I also have a DishNetwork DVR. The software on that unit is not as good
as on RTV.
> ==
> "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money."
> -- Groucho Marx

Jerry Bank
Trenton, New Jersey
Music is the language of the gods.
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Ablang wrote:
> short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
> How many of each do you own?
1 5160
1 5040 (with Western Digital 200 GB drive upgrade)
1 5532
> How long have you owned each?
2 years fir the 5160 and 5040 and just got the 5532
> Do you skip commercials?
what's a commercial?
> Do you share shows with others over broadband?
Haven't yet but if need be I would
> Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?
> Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?
> Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
> amount of TV as before?
More because I can record shows at all hours and therefore record the best
of the best and view them on my schedule. Always have quality programming
ready to watch.
> Add any questions or comments of your own if you can think of any.
> ==
> "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you
> money." -- Groucho Marx

Bill T.

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
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On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:24:16 -0700, Ablang spoketh

>short ReplayTv and/or Tivo Survey
>How many of each do you own?

1 ReplayTV 5040

>How long have you owned each?

About two years

>Do you skip commercials?

Of course!

>Do you share shows with others over broadband?

Yes, via

>Do you save any shows to CD or DVD?

Not yet.

>Have you upgraded or hacked your unit?


>Since owning a DVR, would you say you watch more, less, or the same
>amount of TV as before?


Lars M. Hansen
(replace 'badnews' with 'news' in e-mail address)