This was easy enough to find (https
/ this guy is getting 30-35 FPS with a GT 840m and i5 4200u which is almost identical your 4210u with a slightly lower clock speed (-100 MHz). Your FPS will depend on how much stuff you have built in the game. With this game, the more you build, the slower your PC gets. Also, the laptop you are buying only has 4GB of system RAM. It is possible to use most of your free RAM up with this game. You'll have about 2.5GB free since Wndows and other system related things will be using about 1-1.5GB almost all the time. I suggest that you look into another 4GB of RAM as your first upgrade and then if possible, an SSD. RAM is getting more expensive so anytime you find DDR3 for less tham $10 per GB you should jump on it. SSDs, on the other hand, have been going in the opposite direction price wise. You can now get a decent 250 GB class SSD for around $100.
If it were me, I'd wait until the laptop is in my hands before ordering the RAM. It is best to see what brand, speed and timing the installed RAM is and if it is a single 4GB module or 2x 2GB. It really isn't a good idea to order the RAM before you know this info although you may be able to find it out by calling/emailing Acer or finding an owner of this model on a forum and asking them.