I have a Toshiba Satellite L745D laptop, it's nearing 6 or 7 years now and it has been working fine utill a couple months ago. It would never charge properly, and I had to buy two batteries for it; the first one didn't last a week, and the second doesn't last long for my laptop: 20 minutes the least. I've been using it with out the battery just fine but now it always shuts itself down unexpectedly, and when I try it with the battery it starts up to the Windows Screen then shuts itself down again with the power and battery LED lights blinking orange. And when trying to charge it, it does the same after a couple of seconds.
I tried repairs, cleaning, uninstalling files that take up space, and making sure that it doesn't overheat. Nothing is working. I need to know what else I can do before I just decide to get a new one.
I tried repairs, cleaning, uninstalling files that take up space, and making sure that it doesn't overheat. Nothing is working. I need to know what else I can do before I just decide to get a new one.