Simple RPG EXP formula BUT!, in MS excel (??) :(

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Nov 9, 2017
Hello guys, i am in an urge to solve this problem.

So, the story behind is there’s a game designing challenge that i wanted to participate and i went trough the application form,

They asked my to make experience formula for RPG games, BUT ! it had to be in MS Excel.
Can you guys enlighten me ? Or brighten up this brain a little bit ?.
I’ve scrambled trough my keyboard buttons and god it’s no good.


It also looks like you're in way over your head here. They are asking for an example that proves a minimal level of knowledge to enter their little competition, and you simply don't (yet) have what it takes.

If it's just doing their work for them, I certainly won't participate, but if they have a specific Excel-related question, I'd probably help.

As it is, I don't think we're even at the point at which we know what the poster is even asking.

True, I can't make heads or tales of the request.
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