I'm going to buy this motherboard http
/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157648 and I'm going to buy this cpu http
/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1UH3Z96233&cm_re=intel_i3_6100-_-2MN-0004-00002-_-Product. I'm confused with the chipset thing that you need to know about a motherboard before you buy a cpu and I don't want to waste money if I buy a not compatible one. I read that the preffered motherboard for a haswell needs a z97 chipset and a z170 for a skylake. But the motherboard that I'm going to buy has a chipset H110. I'm confused if It's okay to put either a Haswell or a Skylake cpu. Will it be both compatible? Can someone explain it for me in an easy way? My head is full of confusion right now.