Smaller 5 G phones

Dec 19, 2020
Bigger phones are NOT always better! Why is the shift away from the 5.5 to 5.8 inch phones? I have tablets to use for more extensive play with games, reading, etc. I am looking for a 5G rated phone under 6 inches, I am sure I am NOT the only one in the market with this request. Please provide a review focused on small phones with 5G capabilities. The current article posted went OFF TOPIC, and were NOT small phones.
If you are commenting on an article, there should be a link there for discussion for that article. If you are talking about this article there is nothing there that it's for small phones, simply a listing of the "best" ones.

Seems the smallest 5G phone is the iPhone 12 mini, at least for now. There is a reason the phones are larger, the more advance network uses more power, which means larger batteries are needed, and needs the space for antennas. It's not just about the screen size, it's about fitting the components inside the case.