Sony Details PSN 'Customer Appreciation' Program

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I wish I could trade my free game for NHL11 HUT pucks...That'd be awesome.


May 21, 2011
Sony security was not up to snuff. There's no denying that. But I do believe them when they say that they needed to gather all the facts before letting customer know what had actually happened, instead of telling the customers all assumptions in which case would/could have caused mass confusion and misinformation to be spread worldwide instantly. It was probably a tough call by them, and I'm sure they didn't take they position they took lightly. I'm sure they held countless meetings to come to the conclusion they came to.

As for the compensation package, we were already getting service for free. Like someone already mentioned, this is no obligation of theirs. They don't have to do it. When you think about it, they are giving up to least $40 dollars in game to a possible 100 million users. That COULD be up to 4 billion dollars in potential sales. That's just the games. I'm not sure how much the movies cost, or what the PS+ membership is, but I think they are giving more than their fair share of compensation for the downtime. I don't own any of the games they are offering so I will be taking full advantage.

I think a lot of people are whining for whining sake. I want to know the ratio of reported stolen info that has been used versus not. If your info hasn't been used, stop complaining about what's a "fair" compensation. We're you seriously thinking(every day) in your day to day life, like, oh man, I hope that PSN doesn't bite me in the ass today? No. But when something free is given away, all of a sudden it's not enough. *sighs*


Although they say credit card info wasn't taken, I was charged nearly $500 in bogus charges. Most of which I won't get back. I'll take the crappy games they're offering and still join the class action suit against them.


May 21, 2011
Credit card theft existed before the PSN leak. How do you know that it was caused from the PSN leak? There's no way you can know.


yeah how about you open up the free games list to all the ps one games as well. or i would just settle for a software patch that made my ps3 backwards compatable for ps2 games. and why haven't you done that anyway.


Jun 8, 2007
Those games are packaged with the ps3 i have all of them already so i get no compensation?
A better compensation would be any 2 free games of your choice those are really old games did they not stop to think maybe customers would have all those titles?.
PSN plus no use to me i don't play multiplayer games, movies won't be available in my area and a bunch of free virtual items i don't plan on using home anytime soon.
Don't need credit protection i already have it i would rather have 3 free games of my choice and that is it.


How about u offer at least one good game worth getting like uncharted 2 or gta IV?


I think its unfair u give us cheap games and 30days of crap wat about the fact that sum very smart crackhead is running around with 77mil psn subscribers cc info,email address,home address,ect that's not kool we as loyal customers need more


Giving free games is a good idea but the only games that I would be interested in would be infamous and little big planet...BUT I ALREADY HAVE THEM. They should offer a bigger list of games with some newer titles not just old games.


No...these freebies suck as does the way sony handled this whole thing. There will still be the hardcore fanboys who give cheers to sony but overall nothing can be enough for the lack of security, lack of customer support as to when this fiasco began, lost of trust and slap in the face with these cheapass freebies.


first of all quit pissing and moaning about the games they are offering there are two games that i want that i wont have to pay for. shit happens when it comes to systems getting hacked think of all the hackers trying to get as much info as they can from computers and online. st least sony did the things to not only try they're best to fix what happened but they are trying tp make up for what happened. just be glad that they didnt just take everything away for good all of you people that are just pissing and moaning need to grow up they are still a company that needs to make money so all of you who enjoy playing their games can keep playing them. so be happy with what they offer.
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