Question Sony Smart TV - old Philips Home Theatre

Nov 7, 2018
Hey guys,

I have the following: Sony KDL-40WE660B / Home Theatre Philips HTS3357/12.
I'm not very good at this things, I'm trying to set up the HT for 5.1 surround sound from the TV.
From my understanding there's no direct cable for this to happen. The Home Theatre does not have Toslink nor ARC HDMI
I have tried with a SCART cable but this way I only get surround sound from my TV channels. If I watch Youtube or Netflix or any other type of video (my GoPro videos from an USB Stick for example) or anything I don't have any sound.

Someone recommended me that I purchase and ARC Audio Extractor:

I've put the HDMI cable to ARC slot in the TV > ARC extractor > coaxial audio cable to the HT but I don't have any sound. The TV has PCM set and the HT is set on digital audio entrance.

Any help please?
I can tell with certainty that ll content hosted on YT is all stereo. I can't say much about NetFlix though. Anyways, you should've gotten something like this, to work off the TOSLINK port on the back of your TV, covert it into a coaxial input for your HTS.

Just out of curiosity, are you on the latest firmware's for both the TV and the HTS? Just asking, not a suggestion mind you.

First of all thank you for the answer.

You think it will work with that adapter? I don't mind having stereo on Youtube any sound will be fine. I do have the latest fws on both devices, yes.