Sony Vaio new LED screen wont work



Got a Vaio VPCCB15FG

The screen is faulty (causing flicking lines) so I got a new one installed it but it didn't work. Wouldn't turn on at all. Plugged the old screen back in and it powered up

Tried the new screen in another laptop and it powered up fine
Tried the old screen in another laptop and it showed the fault I have got with it

After looking into this I was told that the screen was not compatible with the laptop so I sent it back and got another screen that was compatible

Plugged the new screen in and got the same problem again (not powering up)

The screen that is faulty is a LP156WF1 (TL)(C1) and the new screen I have is a LP156WF1 (TL)(B2). Only difference between these screens is one is gloss and one is matt

After looking into this more it looks like the laptop is not detecting the new screen at all. Can plug a external screen into the laptop and get a display fine. When I look into the monitors in device manager it only shows 1. With the old faulty screen it shows 2

Wondering if there is some sort of reset that has to be done for it to detect the new screen or something I have missed when connecting the new screen
If you are sure all your cables and connections are sound within, in Device Manager, right click on your "monitors" selection and select show hidden devices (if available). Hopefully, your screen is there and you can select update drivers - if not, select scan for hardware changes...
See if that gets you anywhere.
Tried all of that and still no luck
The cable for the screen is fine. Looked it over and it is plugged in fine
The screen doesnt even power up on startup. Back light doesn't turn on at all