sound bar echo


Nov 20, 2015
I have 2 rooms side by side with no door between.
One room has a stereo and speakers.
The other has a TV with a sound bar.
The TV is hooked to the sound bar with a digital optical cable and works fine.
I want to listen to the radio in both rooms, so I ran a line out cable from the stereo to the analog audio input on the sound bar.
Now there is an echo or delay between the speakers in the stereo room and the sound bar.
I checked the line out cable and it is producing a signal in sync with the stereo’s speakers.
It seems that the sound bar is processing the line input causing a delay or echo.
Is this a common problem?
Do all sound bars do this?
If not, can someone recommend one that won’t do this?

Thanks for the response and validation of my experience. Clearly you understand the issue
There is no way to turn off the delay on the unit I own. I interacted with Vizio and they wouldn't acknowledge the delay. I'm afraid the phone tech help at most companies aren't versed in the specific subtle issues of each of their products.

There aren't brick and mortar stores where people actually know much about the equipment they sell except for the very top end. Hard to find anyone who knows which units would have a delay, no delay or an adjustable delay. I was hoping the depth of experience of folks on the web might be able to steer me in the right direction.

I’d appreciate any suggestions of manufacturers, vendors or discussion groups where I might find a solution