Solved! SoundblasterX AE-5 Sound card problems!

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Jul 19, 2017
Hello, i'm having a lot of issues with this new sound card, I bought it mainly for upcoming games such as NEW COD and current PlayerUnknown's battleground.

I received my new sound card around 2 weeks ago and I'm using it with Sennheiser G4me Zero headphones. When i'm in the game the sound goes off completely like at random times, can't hear chat or game sound at all, it's like mute mode, why is this happening? I connected everything to back of my pc and also disabled motherboards onboard audio.

I'm running Windows 10 64bit edition (build 10586)
i7 7700k cpu
Asus Z170-A Motherboard (Latest Bios)
Corsair Vengeance 16gb DDR4 2133Mhz memory
GTX 1080 Ti
Samsung 960 Pro SSD M.2 Nvme 512gb
Sennhesier G4me Zero headphones
SoundblasterX AE-5 Sound card (Running latest version)

I've disabled Audio Enhancements from windows settings and also unchecked the box "Allow Applications to take exclusive control of this device.

I can't even find a single profile from Soundblaster connect 2 settings that matches this game perfectly, sometimes the audio is really loud and sometimes you can barely hear anything at all, like going outside building the sound starts going really loud and can hear water and wind REALLY LOUD, while stepping inside goes lower again. Also, the Scout 2.0 doesn't even work for me.

What do i have to do???or what's causing this issue???the support forums sucks for this company and you can't even make a single post, I contacted the chat support team and they're clueless and offering me nothing that helps me out.

Can anyone please help me out here?really frustrated and annoyed at this, thank you.

I've had this card for a few days now and have seen a few weird glitches when moving from speaker to headphone set ups. It seems to lock up (has happened twice) and a reboot quickly fixes. I'm running Win7 and don't have any other...

I've had this card for a few days now and have seen a few weird glitches when moving from speaker to headphone set ups. It seems to lock up (has happened twice) and a reboot quickly fixes. I'm running Win7 and don't have any other issues.

A few things to try:

1 - Do you keep the SB Connect 2 app open when you run your games? I do
2 - Have you tried re-running setup in the SB Connect 2 app?
3 - Did you download the newest drivers from their site. I know windows PnP the drivers but they are signicantly different from the site. I'm using
4 - Make sure your selection matches your hardware. As an example I initially chose 7.1 headphones which did not work. Very weird sounds like you are describing. I then chose Direct HP and it worked like a charm. Stereo vs. direct speakers are similar.
5 - Make sure your connections are sound. headphone jacks can do the barely hear then very loud deal if plugged in wrong. Sometimes I have to put my plug in then pull it back out just a tiny bit to get the best connection.
6 - Do you have you Impedance set correctly. I see your HP drive at 50 Ω
6 - have you tried settings - recovery - reset to factory default in the event you borked something?

Hope that helps you. I've been pretty impressed with this card. Really love the clarity with my HD600's and a dedicated HP amp.


Hello and thank you for your time and response Byte__meh

1- Yes I do keep the SB Connect 2 App Open whenever I'm gaming.
2- I did, and for some reason I selected the Stereo&Desktop Option, do I have to change it?
3- I have the latest drivers installed from their website and the actual SB Connect 2 App version is
because I'm using Windows 10 64bit... and from device Manager it says version.
4- Mine is on Stereo & Desktop at this moment, I'm using Sennheiser G4me Zero's, do you think I should change it?
5- I've checked my connections several times and they're all plugged in properly.
6- Where can i find this option? the 50 Ω you mentioned?
7- I did, nothing changed.

Can you please explain to me how to use the Scout 2.0&Radar option?I've asked them and they told me you have to be connected to same WIFI? who games with Wifi anyways? kind of dumb thing to do.
I've attached couple screenshots of my setup from SB Connect 2 App.

Thank you for all your help and let me know if i have to change something.
May sound stupid but have to ask, could you possibly be playing the game and unknowingly, or accidentally press the key(s) mapped to mute. i know pubg has a key that mutes all the sound.
Question from freitag : "FIXED: SoundblasterX AE-5 Sound card problems!"

Referencing, I've fixed it, I just hope someone finds this thread instead of the other one.

I've got a Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5 and Sennheiser G4ME ZERO headset. When using the signal processor on the card to add the crystalizer and bass and smart vol effects I would frequently experience all the audio going to the left or right side.

A few steps to fix it:

  • In Sound Blaster Connect, select 7.1 Headphones and set Headphone Gain to Normal.
    In Windows, right click the Windows sound speaker and go to Sounds. Click the Playback tab. Right click the Speakers (Sound BlasterX AE-5) and click Configure Speakers. Set Audio Channels to Stereo.

Hopefully this helps someone else who was in my situation and hopefully it works for them.

Also shout out to my friend CleverBullet for helping me fix this.

And could a mod or something go on that thread and link to this just so other people can find my solution more easily?
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