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On 30 Oct 2004 19:51:53 GMT, B&D <> wrote:
>On 10/30/04 11:04 AM, in article, "Stewart
>Pinkerton" <> wrote:
>> There has been for about five or six years now, a pool of around
>> $5,000 for anyone who can tell the difference between basic zipcord
>> (lamp cord, if you will) and the most exotic 'audiophile' speaker
>> cable (which can run up to more than $1,000 a *foot*!), under
>> level-matched double blind conditions. i.e. when they don't actually
>> *know* what's connected. In all that time, and despite many claims of
>> 'obvious', 'night and day', and 'pretty amazing' differences, not one
>> single person has even *attempted* to claim this money.
>> That should indicate to you that 'wire is wire', certainly no one has
>> been able to demonstrate an ability to *hear* any differences,
>> whatever they may *claim* on this or any other newsgroup. I find it
>> fascinating that the more vocal claimants tend to appear in places
>> such as Audio Asylum (a well-named group if ever there was one!),
>> where discussion of blind testing is effectively banned by the
>> moderators/censors. A more cynical person might think that they don't
>> *want* to know the truth...................
>The existence of a pool does not *prove* anything except the existence of
>the challenge. While you may be building a lot of confidence in the
>supposition that it doesn't make a difference, and you are probably right,
>drawing the conclusions you do is not scientifically tight. The problem is
>you are trying to prove a negative - so you are stuck building confidence, I
Quite so. It is true that I cannot actually *prove* that some part of
the moon is *not* made of green cheese. OTOH, what odds would you
>Still, if one were to offer a prize of any arbitrary amount - you cannot say
>that lack of somone claiming the prize is any indication of anything as
>broad as you are saying.
>Again, there is no argument from me that the DBT will show no differences,
>just be careful of your conclusions!
I draw no *definite* conclusion from that particular quarter, I simply
state the *fact* that no one has been able to demonstrate an ability
to *hear* any differences. OTOH, I can certainly point to the easily
*measurable* differences between 'zipcord' and an equivalent gauge of
'audiophile' wire, and conclude from those differences that no
*audible* difference is possible, given known limits of human hearing.
It therefore remains for those who make extraordinary claims for
Kimber 'Black Pearl' et al, to *prove* their claims. No such proof has
been forthcoming, or even an *attempt* at such proof, despite the
existence for several years of a substantial reward. Why would you
suppose that is?
Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering