Solved! Speaker Setup Recommendation for 200$?


Nov 11, 2015
I'm looiking into buying a new pair of speaker, currently rocking 8-year-old basic logitech speakers with a sub.
I really want a 5.1 setup but from my understanding it's not very recommended at my price point. none-the-less, I was looking on the monoprice 10565 5.1 which are going for 180$ on monoprice's site (maybe will be discounted for black friday) speaker set but then I realized I might need an amp or a reciever.
I basically have 2 questions
1. should I get the 10565 (or any other 5.1 speaker set), or I shouldn't bother with a 5.1 setup at this price point? (in which case I'll be looking for a good expandable 2.1 setup).
2. should I get an amp/reciever, if so, which one should I get and which set of speakers? (i still don't want to go over the 200$ budget)

if theres a very good setup for ~250 it's also good because there might be a black friday sale on it

also, Im planning to use it with mainly with my conputer and my phone as inputs, as I have my computer plugged in to both my monitor and a TV.
Pair of JBL LSR305's. Better than anything listed so far.

For $200-250 about the best you can do (without buying used) would be active monitors for a 2.0 setup.
Well at this Price Point id definitly consider buying the Edifier R2730DB 2.0 System 136W
I've used many Sound systesm for PC and im 100% satisfied with these speakers. They offer a better sound then all of the 2.1 Systems i used and are cheaper! Also u can connect ur Phone via Bluetooth.
All of my friend are impressed by the Sound of those 2 babys!
U can consider the R1700BT since they are a little cheaper but still do their job!

Another suggestion is logitech. They make good surrounds with amplifier builtin.

Good thing with this model is it has 2 optical in's for console compressed dts dolby sound but limited 2.1 uncompressed pcm audio from pc playing games though unless watching movies.

An Avr is always best if have the room but anything half decent would cost you atleaat a grand including speakers.


I'd say a 5.1 System for 280 bucks can't really be good since its way to cheap thats why i went with Stereo Speakers

Nothing beats a component system either but pricey and then sound quality might be disrupted by various annoying vibrations in the room.

Not knocking your suggestion, logitechs are quite decent for the money having owned a set of x540s.

Upto the op.

sorry for the maybe dumb question but is it possible to expand the R2730DB setup with more speakers for a 5.1 setup? it's just that even 200$ is a lot of money for me so if I buy something I'd like it to be upgradeable

I dont think you can Upgrade it ti 5.1 no

although my information may be wrong - I generally heard that logitech speaker are not very good in terms of sound quality and mainly just use the logitech brand name with 5.1/7.1 near it to get people to buy it
then again usually when talking about logitech speakers the context is their under 100$ speaker systems (like the z506 5.1 system they make)
Could argue the sound eq was setup distastefull with those arguing.

It's going to be hard suggesting a worthwhile audio system that you'll be happy with on a budget.

Look at reviews and hope you find what you want. Creative is anorher brand you might be interested in.


I just noticed that they don't come with a sub which makes them a 2.0 setup, it's not like the nunbers matter but don't they lack bass?
also, i noticed i looked at the R2000DB instead of the R2730DB and that's because when I looked at the R2000DB's it was in amazon/EdifierUS and when I noticed that I was looking at the wrong speakers I saw that the R2730DB are only in the international version of their site, so do you know if and where are they available in the US?

They got the most balanced and clear sound u can get for 250 bucks!
If ur into Good sound ur gonna love them.
I'd rather check some HIFI forums then asking gamers for advice on Audio Setups. Thats how i got to these edifiers :)
check this review: http://
In the US u can get those: http://
The R2000DB are gonna do their Job too since they are kind of built the same.
In reviews they say that they got gigantic Bass

Yes i agree that those are better then all the listed ones but he can also check out the 308 model! I thought these Speakers are 2 expensive