Specs comparison between this laptop and desktop...


Jul 25, 2012
I was recently planning on building a desktop. That said, I'm a University student who needs a laptop. I was thinking perhaps, that I might be able to get two birds with one stone. Now, my concern is primarily the graphics card on the laptop - I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

Here's the laptop in question, starting Wednesday, it'll be on for $1049.00 CAD + 10% associate discount (I work there :D).

Now, my primary concern is if it will be able to play ArmA 3 at useable framerates on high settings (ideally 1920x1080 on an external display, with model detail on high) - useable defined as not dipping *much* lower than 39fps at max load.

I figured I might replace my current desktop with this, and then I can also have all my files in one place for university as well. Now, for comparative purposes this is what I was considering (with minor modifications) for the desktop I was going to build.


Would the graphics card be sufficient to do what I'm looking to do in the laptop? How does the value compare to this desktop?

Answers appreciated, thanks!
(Also, sorry if this is the wrong topic category)


Mar 31, 2011
Definitely not. Sorry. According to this profile, it's similar in performance to the 540M and 555M, which you can compare to mainstream desktop cards here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html
It probably won't get you usable framerates on low settings. You want a 675M at least for high settings. Laptop GPUs just aren't good.
A real 670 (not a 670M) will do you very well in a desktop. Personally, when I go to college I plan to get a $300 netbook and bring my desktop.