With anything other than pure distilled water, there is a risk that when it dries out there will be crystallised solids (salts, sugars etc) left on the electrical compenents that can cause shorting or overheating.
Brett has already stated that a fault may take up to a few days to show itself, but the damage will have been done much earlier.
I'm not an expect on laptops (unlike Brett), but experience with other electronic devices would lead me to give the following advice;
as you left it over an hour to follow the advice given, there is a very high probability that the beer has come into contact with the motherboard. Your best bet now is to not use the machine again until you can get to a repair centre and have them clean any components. Just because it hasn't failed yet, doesn't mean it won't at some point in the future.
Sorry if this dampens your optimism, but better to be pessimistic and safe than optimistic and owner of a bricked PC.