When I was working for Sprint last year, I posted corporate store sales numbers for the Pre and I specifically mentioned it was only for corporate Sprint stores, not 3rd party retailers, 3rd party Sprint branded stores or web/telesales. Anyway, I wasn't fired or talked to about it but was it because I just wasn't caught or because I made sure to mention the numbers were only for corporate owned stores? Anyway, the poor grammar and punctuation of the original post goes to show the individual was obviously not that bright and should have been more specific about the sales numbers. The are super, super easy to see right in the inventory system, but again it's only for corporate owned Sprint stores. There are TONS of 3rd party retailers (Radio Shack, Walmart, Best Buy), 3rd party owned Sprint branded stores (they look/dress just like sprint but often sell off-brand accessories) and web/phone sales that aren't included. But after working there for nearly 5 years and seeing how they moved 66k just in corporate stores, 300k+ in total is definitely not out of the question.