Steelseries Siberia V3 has worse mic than V2??


Apr 29, 2015
Me and one of my friends own a V2, and when we skype call theres literally no flaws. No background noise, no "cancer" when you eat or when you blow gently into it and the overall quality of the audio is just perfect. Now, my other friend is buying the V3 or the Elite Prism, and i heard the mic of the Elite and its terrible compared to the V2. you can hear your keyboard when you type, without it being with green or blue switches and the general mic quality is just awful. So i said, why not buy the V3, because its obviously a straight upgrade from the V2, right? So i saw this review on youtube and the mic test (1:37) just sounds really really "electronic" compared to the V2. And i honestly think the V2 sounds almost like a real external microphone.

So, anyone have any experience with both of these headsets and can tell me if the mic actually sounds as bad as in the video? any details regarding the mic and the differences between the two headsets would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks in advance.


Apr 29, 2015
Okay, so i got it confirmed by my friend. The V3's mic is decent, (v2 is still superior) with the mic audio quality, but whenever you speak it makes those sound pops, all the time. The siberia Elite is.. well.. elite in the build quality and the price, but the mic in the Elite is absoulotely terrible. Ive heard 10 dollar walmart mics sound better than that. (sarcasm, but not really)

So basically, buy the V2, it has better a better mic, its cheaper, and it has (unconfirmed) better sound than the V3 and the Elite.


Apr 29, 2015
Okay, just found out they have made a newer model, supposedly with "quality updates reclaiming its title as the best gaming headset in eSports and PC gaming". Quality updates, such as basically removing the mic air filter, so the phphphp is even worse. like, ALOT worse. and its even more expensive too.