So I have two normal speakers and a sub-woofer. In the past I had it set up so I had left, right, and the sub playing center. Now I want to change it to stereo speakers and a sub. On the back of my PC I have a green,blue,and pink jacks. Right now I have a audio jack plugged into the pink jack into a adapter that goes to rca. Then I have the rca plugged into my amp for center/sub. And when I plug the audio jack into the pink jack in realtek audio manager I get a popup giving me a few options that include center/sub out, which is what I chose. So in the maneger I have it set up in a 5:1 speaker setup with all of the speakers off except for the center and sub. After doing that it works flawlessly in the test but I have no other sound from any other program on my pc.