Straight talk phones that run off of verizon towers

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False, Every single 4G verizon phone uses a sim card to connect to its network

when you go to a provider walmart especially look at the straight talk phones there will be striaght talk with blue coverage areas those are att and straight talk with red coverage areas those are verizon its that simple

For data yes, not to actually get phone service. And if you read the post, it's over 3 years old, things change. A SIM card in a Verizon phone does not do the same thing as a SIM card in an AT&T phone.

All phones have SIM cards. Some are built in and others are removable. U can't make or receive calls with out a sim. Unless you are on the Internet or a network. Any phone provided by any phone company has a sim. If you don't see it. Take your phone apart at your own risk and look underneath the battery panel. It will be right their.


If the Verizon phone is capable of 4g, it has a sim card and will work on straight talk. If you bring your own phone to straight talk to use on Verizon towers, it MUST be a 4g phone or straight talk cannot activate through their service.

Actually all carriers have SIM cards. The only devices that use SIM cards are 4G LTE devices. Sprint and Verizon are CDMA radio bands and cannot use GSM and vice versa, but in order to have 4G LTE on Sprint or Verizon, you have to have a SIM card inserted. Whereas AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM radio bands so operate on SIM card for everything from 4G LTE and below.

Yes they use SIM card for the 4G data, but Verizon does not need a SIM card to activate your phone unlike AT&T and other carries like it. When they had 3G phones, there was no SIM card in the Verizon phones for service, there was in AT&T.

This is also a 3 year old thread, not sure why it keeps getting replies about this LOL

I don't know what phones y'all have had but I have had Verizon for twelve yeas and every smart phone I had had a Sim card. To shed some light; Verizon controls your service via your phone's MEID. That being said; If the phone isn'the locked then it is a matter of changing the Sim card and network operator address . An example of an open phone would be all Samsung Galaxy phones from the 4S to current. I ran a AT&T sum card in my Verizon Galaxy S4 and S5. You won't be able to get rid of the Verizon logo on start up as that is in the firmware but you can run any unlocked, global phone with any carrier with that carriers Sim card. I hope this sheds some light on things.


Just so you know I've had several Straight Talk phones I live in an area where there is only Verizon so the Straight Talk phones that work on Verizon and these phones have been 4G and every one of them has a SIM card without the SIM card they will not function of course no Straight Talk 3G phone has a SIM card just the 4G ones
I JUST came home with a LG (Android) Straight Talk phone that is Verizon 4G LTE w/ NO SIM card...My last Verizon STalk phone did have a SIM card (that was Samsung)
I know this post is old but I just bought a galaxy s6 that has a micro sim card and it runs off CDMA which is Verizon! Gota say it's the first time ever being on Verizon towers and man theiron 4g lte is blazing fast..

This article explains how to get the right phone (for Straight Talk, Net 10, or TracPhone) to ensure you'll use the towers of your preferred local network (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint). If you still have unanswered questions after reading it, ask them in the comment section at the bottom of the page and an expert usually answers within 24 hours.