Archived from groups: comp.sys.laptops (More info?)
Hi, I have a Clevo/Kapok 1300 laptop. I tried to use it a few days ago
and it wouldn't turn on - it was completely dead - but I found that
plugging in an external monitor would make it work. The monitor doesn't
need to be turned on, just plugged in. When I unplug it from the laptop
I can see a small spark. It's as if the power is getting where it
shouldn't... everything is otherwise okay with it, and it's running off
the mains. When I unlpug the monitor it goes back to being 'dead'. I've
open the laptop up but everything looks okay.
Does anyone know what could be wrong?
Andrew Jones
andrewjjones at lineone dot net
Hi, I have a Clevo/Kapok 1300 laptop. I tried to use it a few days ago
and it wouldn't turn on - it was completely dead - but I found that
plugging in an external monitor would make it work. The monitor doesn't
need to be turned on, just plugged in. When I unplug it from the laptop
I can see a small spark. It's as if the power is getting where it
shouldn't... everything is otherwise okay with it, and it's running off
the mains. When I unlpug the monitor it goes back to being 'dead'. I've
open the laptop up but everything looks okay.
Does anyone know what could be wrong?
Andrew Jones
andrewjjones at lineone dot net